Friday, January 23, 2015

A Simple Thing - Being the Change Impacts Others

     During this adventure there were so many people both friends and strangers that were curious about our reasons, the process, and all types of deep questions regarding our adventure in adopting. I'd love to answer some of those openly at another time on another post. For this post I want to share a simple by-product which I had secretly hoped for as we started this process.What was that? Well when you take something this large that has such an impact to your own life and family there is one piece of the puzzle that is like a seed. A seed you hope you are providing soil, water and sun to. A seed which will take on a life of its own and sprout roots. I secretly desired that as we fulfilled our desires for a little girl to grow our family that the way we went about it would touch and drive others. Something you have no true control over.
    Today my wife and kids were grabbing lunch, to my despair at none other than the local McDonald's, when a stranger approached them. This random lady was so moved by what she saw in Ella and her un repaired cleft lip that it drove her to walk up to a complete stranger and open her heart. She told my wife in broken English that she always saw on television the commercials of kids with cleft lip and had wanted to donate, but for whatever reason never has. Seeing our new family moved her deeply and she said she just wanted to say something. She continued on to tell my wife that she is committed to definitively going home tonight and donating to or some other charity dealing with cleft palates.
    I don't know if she will or not but all along this journey I have tried my best to be open about our reasoning's etc for which there were many. The one I often have not shared is that secret hope that we are setting an example others will follow, that others will be empowered by what they see. That we are challenging the norms,  changing opinions. This stranger today gave me a gift by just sharing that she was moved, that one of my many hopes of this adventure played out.
    I know for every one story told there are more not spoken and with that I sleep well knowing you the reader of this blog and many other random folks will walk away and be inspired in some way to do something positive for society.
    Here's to Ghandi and Thich Nat Han for their thoughts on being the change we want to see in this world and engaged Buddhism.  Which I'd like to combine here as "Be the change you want to see in this world, by doing."